Membership Has Its Benefits!
Your voice in Washington • Each year, NAHU spends over $1,000,000 to present your interests before Congress and regulatory agencies. • NAHU holds leadership positions in over a dozen D.C.-based health-care coalitions lobbying Congress on pertinent issues.
When NAHU Talks, Congress Listens • NAHU is regarded by many of Washington’s power brokers as the definitive source on the health insurance industry. • NAHU was privileged to have newly elected President Bush select a staff member to work on his “transition team. • NAHU has been named to "Most Powerful" List of Associations in Washington, DC consecutive years.
Legislative Advocacy • NAHU’s Political Action Committee contributed to over 200 legislators and candidates during the 2003-2004 election cycle. • Louisiana also has a newly established state PAC who will target donations to candidates running for state legislative positions.
Safety in Numbers • The combined strength of 19,000+ members nationwide means your voice will be heard. • NAHU members have been quoted in national news, interviewed on CNN. • NAHU local meetings are an ideal place to exchange ideas and concerns, and do business with, your peers. • Over 200 Local chapters across the nation.
Educational Opportunities • Local chapter meetings feature leading CE speakers on pressing topics. • NAHU has recently added educational opportunities available online at • NAHU has developed partnerships with many providers, including The American College, The Center for Senior Studies, & Franklin Covey
Keeping Informed • HIU - Monthly magazine containing valuable information about new products in the marketplace, analyses of current trends and tips on improving your business. • Legislative Newsletters - Current information about laws and regulations that will affect your clients and your business. • National, Regional, State & Local chapter websites host a plethora of resources vital to keeping informed. • Local newsletters on upcoming meetings, public service events, CE opportunities & more. • Operation Shout!- NAHU's grassroots initiative that allows members to contact their legislators & officials on a federal, state & local level via their web-based contact system.
Members’ only discounts NAHU partners with leading providers of products and services used most by health insurance professionals,including: • Errors and Omissions Insurance• Conference Calling • Overnight Shipping• Financial Services • Office Supplies
And most importantly.... it's FUN! • By joining NAHU, you surround yourself with the top health insurance professionals in your area. Through networking opportunities, you’ll gain valuable insight in industry issues and more!
Annual Membership Dues
The Local chapter dues vary by location and are as follows (new dues eff 1/1/08):
Acadiana (Lafayette area) $375 Baton Rouge $450 New Orleans $400 Red River (Shreveport area) $400
Join online using a major credit card or print & mail a membership application. Dues can be paid in full by credit card or check. Want to make life easier? Sign up for monthly bank draft or credit card draft. All checks should be made payable to NAHU. Dues include membership to the national, state and local chapter.
JOIN Online
Print An Application
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